The Department of Education website posted a message earlier this month:
The DHSI Program has proposed to hold a new Grant Competition in FY 2022! Stay tuned for details.
The DHSI Program last held a competition in 2020. As a result of that competition, 156 grant awards were made throughout 2020 and 2021 to eligible institutions. DHSI grants can be awarded for a maximum of five years and a total of $3 million per institution.
If your institution has not been awarded a DHSI grant, you can take the following steps to prepare for the upcoming competition:
- Check your IPEDs information and verify that 25% of your students are Hispanic.
- Prepare to submit your “designation as an eligible institution” filing in early 2022.
- Review the activities that can be funded under the program and plan your grant application.
- Contact Marygrove Consulting for assistance in Eligibility Determination and Application Development.

The DHSI Program last held a competition in 2020. As a result of that competition, 156 grant awards were made throughout 2020 and 2021 to eligible institutions. DHSI grants can be awarded for a maximum of five years and a total of $3 million per institution.
If your institution has not been awarded a DHSI grant, you can take the following steps to prepare for the upcoming competition:
- Check your IPEDs information and verify that 25% of your students are Hispanic.
- Prepare to submit your “designation as an eligible institution” filing in early 2022.
- Review the activities that can be funded under the program and plan your grant application.
- Contact Marygrove Consulting for assistance in Eligibility Determination and Application Development.
“The Hispanic-Serving Institutions Division administers the Developing Hispanic–Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program which is authorized under Title V of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. The purposes of the program are to expand educational opportunities for, and improve the academic attainment of, Hispanic students, and to expand and enhance the academic offerings, program quality, and institutional stability of the colleges and universities that educate the majority of Hispanic students and help large numbers of Hispanic and other low-income students complete postsecondary degrees.
In order to apply for a grant under Title V programs, an institution of higher education must have applied for and been designated as an eligible institution. **** In addition to basic eligibility requirements, an institution must have at least 25 percent enrollment of undergraduate full-time equivalent (FTE) Hispanic students at the end of the award year immediately preceding the date of application.
The DHSI program supports many institutional activities that include: purchase of equipment for education and research; improvement of instruction facilities (construction, maintenance, renovation); faculty and staff development; curriculum revision and development; purchase of educational materials; student support services; enhancement of administrative and funds management systems; community outreach programs; and establishment or increase of an institutional endowment fund.”
Source: U.S. Department of Education.